Plant App: Plant Identifier

Plant App: Plant Identifier


  • Category: Education
  • Release Date: 2022-04-19
  • Current Version: 2.3.8
  • Adult Rating: 4+
  • File Size: 93.83 MB
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 14.0 or later.
Score: 4.72292
From 44,886 Ratings


Plant App identifies more than 46,000+ plants with 95% accuracy-better than most human experts. Most accurate plant Identifier app on the market with the latest AI plant identification technology. Did you just come across a flower, herb, or weed that you don't know? Simply take a photo of the plant and Plant App will complete a plant identification to answer all your questions about it! Take care of your plants with Plant App — keep a journal to see how they grow, use reminders to help them thrive. Our plant identification engine is always picking up new knowledge from experts and professionals, and it's all at your fingertips right now. Simply discover plants around you, picture this plant, identify plants, and you'll gain a new appreciation for nature. –PLANT APP FEATURES– PLANT IDENTIFIER Identify plants instantly with our app! Our database contains over 12,000 plants, including flowers, succulents, and trees. To identify a plant, simply snap a photo or upload one from your gallery. But that's not all! Our plant identifier feature isn't limited to plant identification. We also have additional features like tree identification, flower identification, and weed identification. We're proud to offer the most accurate plant identifier app on the market, which includes additional features like tree identifier, weed identifier, and flower identifier. PLANT CARE & DISEASE IDENTIFICATION Identify plant diseases to quickly figure out ways of treating your plant. Take a photo to determine diagnoses. Plant App will eliminate any potential disease-causing factors and notify you if your plant is healthy. Plant App will tell you if it needs special attention and how to take care of it. You'll receive comprehensive information about the condition, its causes, treatments, and prevention measures. PLANT CARE GUIDES Imagine, you receive a lovely flowering plant for your birthday. However, after a few weeks, it begins to send you signals that it is not at ease. How frequently has this happened to you? To keep your plant alive, you must understand how much water, light, and fertilizer it requires. PlantApp keeps all of this information in one place. Plant care guides are essential for healthy plants! WATER CALCULATOR Get customized watering recommendations, based on your plant type and the size of a pot. NOTES AND REMINDERS Have you forgotten to water your plants on time? Not any longer! Set up plant care reminders to receive notifications when it's time to water, fertilize, or repot your plant. If your plant has specific needs, you can even create custom reminders. Don't let your plant wither without timely reminders. PERSONAL PLANT COLLECTION - MY GARDEN Create your own garden and plant collections. Add plants in your home and confidently grow and care for your plants with the support and inspiration you need. RECOMMENDED ARTICLES Learn about the variety of flora around the world by reading enlightening articles every day. What kind of plant grows the quickest, do you know? Or what flower once had a value greater than that of gold? Knowledge is power. You will have this power by Plant App's in-depth plant descriptions and fascinating insights. Get Plant App plant scanner & start your road toward being a true expert on nature right away. One tap will provide you all you need! Email: Website: Terms of use: Privacy:



  • Sorry I bought it.

    By vat234
    Limited plants to look up. I took a picture of a cane cactus, which I had to look up on another site to get the name. The diagnosis was that the plant was dead. It was a brand new lovely plant. Yes. Very disappointed.
  • Save your money!

    By DisappointedDave7
    Have tried for weeks now to get this app to work to no avail! Have contacted customer support and IT Support and all they say is they’ve forwarded it to the appropriate department and they’ll be looking at the problem along with a note stating thank you for helping to make our app better for our users. This company and or app designer basically took $50 from me and then expects me to diagnose and trouble shoot their crappy app. What a waste of money and energy!!! There are apps that actually work out there and this is Not one of them
  • Beneficio

    By Rossy4486
    Me gusta porque es fácil y simple además de dar buenos consejos para las plantas
  • Queue

    By Hyssop tea
    Just getting started
  • Misleading!

    By Dcsherwood
    I had it identify 3 different plants. I asked what the plant needed! It was very vague, over watering, underwatering ect! According to the app it would show you things to put in the water and none of the 3 I took pictures of gave me any details to help the plant!
  • Beware of weekly fee

    By pushita yid
    To start, I am not super pleased with the results of their output. In addition, I signed up for the $35 annual fee and somehow I got converted to a 6.99 weekly fee. I was paying $30 a month after taxes for this app. Huge scam!
  • It’s a No for me

    By juliabrown1966
    It’s a hard no for me. We’re talking about an app that should give you a free trial. Or let you try it out for a day or two before you decide to purchase. Instead they want a review and for you to pay for subscription before you try it. What do you want me to review? The fact that I can’t use it before I pay? what exactly is it that you’re wanting me to review? I’m not reviewing you except a negative review for anything that will not allow me to try it out before I pay for it. So keep your app book and guess what I got it for two bucks
  • Review

    By Chavezd1
    I have no idea what happened I did the 6 day free trail and got charged 19.36 the second I did the free trail. Emailed them to find out why.
  • Not what I expected

    By Donni4u
    This was not what I expected I need solutions to problems not long discourses on what the plant is. Please cancel my app

    By Mzzc76
    I downloaded this app to try to fix the sick plant. Once I realize that it was a weekly subscription I canceled the service and deleted the app. It stated that my subscription would end at the end of my billing cycle. Now I can’t use my other apps because this app is still trying to bill me even after I’ve canceled it and deleted it off my phone. In addition to that it identified my plant twice. I end up going to Home Depot find a plant that look like mine and that is how I found out what it was this app could not even tell me how to fix the sick plant. Those remedies were not there.
