HSK-5 online test / HSK exam

HSK-5 online test / HSK exam

By Sorboni Mumin

  • Category: Education
  • Release Date: 2017-05-03
  • Current Version: 2.0.3
  • Adult Rating: 4+
  • File Size: 85.65 MB
  • Developer: Sorboni Mumin
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 9.0 or later.
Score: 4.68462
From 130 Ratings


The Hànyǔ Shuǐpíng Kǎoshì (HSK) (Chinese: 汉语水平考试), translated as the Chinese Proficiency Test or the Chinese Standard Exam, is China's only standardized test of Standard Chinese language proficiency for non-native speakers such as foreign students and overseas Chinese. HSK Online Test is a free application for preparing for the HSK exam. HSK Online Test preparation provides you with real interactive test for all sections to get to the best preparation for the HSK. To get you as close as possible to a high score, we offer: • 4 demonstration tests that meet the requirements of a real exam. • Simulate the full HSK test • Interactive listening part • Automatic counting of test results • Analyse and compare your answers with the correct ones. • Time counter We offer you to take the HSK-5 test in real conditions: - Words - 2500 - Characters - 1685 - Listening - 45 questions - Reading - 45 questions - Writing - 10 items If your display size width less than 320, online-tests availability only in landscape orientation. If you find a bug in the application or in the tests, please tell us about this problem, you can write us a letter through the contact form in this application. With our application preparation for the exam will be convenient and efficient for you. Source: http://www.chinesetest.cn



  • Ads instead of score count

    By chris3847565
    I worked intensely on the exam for almost two hours, then clicked “Result” and got an add that could not be closed. Two hours wasted.
  • Limited

    By Matttop
    I learn slowly. This doesn't show me all the transcript for the listening so if I don't understand something I can't go back and take my time and read it to see what my mistakes were. Sometimes I just wanted to be able to play back the last question a second time to see if I understood it. I also couldn't do that. Chinese people really plays great importance on reading and writing. Without being able to see the writing my listening will improve only if I can see the writing to see where my mistakes are. The voices are really good nice and clear they speak at a good pace but there's not enough flexibility in this app and I'm deleting it.
  • Back ground service

    By wndmsfo7
    Is not working. And even more, playing is stopped while I touch screen.
